How Often Should One Get Testosterone Therapy?

There are millions of men that are experiencing low testosterone and looking for ways to improve their hormone balance. The effects of low T can impact almost every area of your life, from your overall health and professional productivity to your energy levels and sexual performance. Testosterone therapy can be the solution to restoring your well-being in every area of your life, but how often should you get testosterone therapy?
Who Needs Testosterone Therapy?
Before discussing frequency and how testosterone therapy works, let’s consider who can benefit from visiting a testosterone clinic such as Arcadia Wellness Center in Phoenix, AZ. Testosterone is an impactful male sex hormone that peaks in males during their teens, twenties and even early thirties. When testosterone levels are at their highest, men can experience their best performance in many areas. Testosterone is responsible for affecting much more than the reproductive area. It can enhance brain function, memory, mood, muscle, bone, red blood cells and much more.
After testosterone peaks at around thirty years of age, there is an expected decline in production as men head into middle age and beyond. This is a normal decline, and it does not require testosterone therapy to correct. The men that can benefit from testosterone therapy are those that experience unexpected and abnormal drops in their production of this influential hormone. If you have symptoms of low T, it is worth visiting a testosterone clinic to be examined for hormone deficiency. It could be impacting your physical, mental and emotional health.
Signs of Low Testosterone
Have you gained weight? Are you feeling fatigued more and more often? Is your facial hair thinning? These are just a few of the possible signs of low testosterone levels. Many people focus on the sexual performance aspect of lowered testosterone but erectile dysfunction or low libido are just a fraction of what can occur in the body when testosterone is lower than needed. A combination of the following signs of low “T” are common in men with hormone imbalance:
– Irritable and mood swings
– Reduced mental focus
– Insomnia
– Low energy and fatigue
– Erectile dysfunction (ED)
– Decreased libido and sexual performance
– Weight gain and decreased metabolism
– Lost muscle and strength
Other changes that may not be as noticeable may also occur. Low T can reduce sperm production, impacting fertility. It can also affect red blood cells and decrease bone density. Men that are noticing symptoms of low T should be tested to determine if their levels are too low and whether beginning testosterone therapy could improve their health.
How to Increase Testosterone Production
There are some ways to naturally increase your testosterone production. While testosterone therapy is the most effective option, combining it with lifestyle changes can be very beneficial. Some of the ways to boost testosterone can include:
Get more exercise. Increasing activity levels and stimulating the muscles can result in stimulating testosterone production.
Weight or fat loss. Excess fat can decrease testosterone levels – fat produces estrogen which can affect testosterone.
Eat healthier. Your body needs certain nutrients to sustain healthy hormone production. Make sure to eat a healthy diet with plenty of lean proteins, fresh produce and fiber.
Decrease stress. Finding ways to relax and relieve stress can be beneficial in maintaining higher testosterone levels.
Watch alcohol/drug intake. There are impacts on testosterone from too much alcohol or drug use. Certain medications can also affect hormone production.
These are all great ways to improve your health and hormone production. However, making lifestyle changes alone is often not enough to boost testosterone back to normal levels. These changes can be beneficial for maintaining your hormone levels during and after testosterone therapy, which is the best way to combat low T symptoms.
What to Expect During Testosterone Therapy
If you are tested for low testosterone and your tests reveal you have low T, hormone replacement therapy may be prescribed. This is not an overnight fix for your condition – it is a therapy that will take a few months to achieve the desired changes in your brain and body.
Testosterone therapy is usually achieved with testosterone injections – it is the most effective way to introduce bio-identical testosterone to the body. Testosterone that is injected only lasts about 7-8 days in the body, requiring injections multiple times each month. For most men, testosterone therapy lasts for at least six months to achieve the desired levels of testosterone.
While some men notice some small differences in the first few weeks of testosterone injections, some may take a month or longer. After the first month, many men begin noticing changes in their mood and brain function. Energy improves as well as sexual performance. Weight loss and muscle increase are easier to achieve as testosterone levels improve.
How Long Does Testosterone Therapy Last?
There is not a set length of time for testosterone therapy. Some men are able to complete a 20-week therapy program, then maintain their testosterone levels with healthy lifestyle changes. It depends on age, weight, health and other factors on how long the therapy is needed. There are many men who continue testosterone therapy for years if it is needed to maintain their health.
Every man receiving testosterone therapy should be working with a hormone specialist to monitor their progress. This can ensure the right dosage and frequency are achieved. If you are not experiencing improved symptoms, your dosage can be adjusted. No one should stop taking testosterone suddenly without medical supervision – there are correct ways to begin tapering off hormone replacement to avoid sudden drops in hormone levels.
Frequency of Testosterone Therapy
Every hormone replacement treatment should be customized to the patient. The dosage, length and frequency of testosterone therapy can vary from patient to patient. Some men may complete one series of testosterone therapy and never need another round of therapy. Others may need multiple series of testosterone replacement, or benefit from long-term testosterone therapy.
Testosterone Clinic Near Me in Phoenix, AZ
If you live in the greater Phoenix, AZ area and want to explore whether testosterone therapy is right for you, come see us at Arcadia Wellness Center. We are the local experts in hormone replacement therapy, and we offer personalized testosterone therapy for our patients. Each patient will receive a comprehensive hormone evaluation to determine if hormone replacement therapy is right for them. If you are diagnosed with low T, we can begin your testosterone therapy and monitor your progress with visits to our office every few months. Our hormone specialist, Sarah Quinn, NP, can determine the best frequency and dosage to help you reduce your low T symptoms and achieve better health.
There is not a set treatment for men with low T. Each patient needs a program that is tailored to their specific health needs. At Arcadia Wellness Center, we provide effective, discreet hormone replacement therapy at our testosterone clinic in Phoenix, AZ for men with low testosterone. If you want to begin feeling and looking more like your younger self, come see us for a testosterone evaluation. Low T therapy might be the solution to achieving your best health. Call us to make your appointment or contact us online to schedule your visit.