Boosting Your WordPress Website: Tips and Tricks

We live in the age of excellence. As users, we expect nothing short of excellent service and features from businesses. We also have a low tolerance for the lack of excellence. Remember the time when getting things done within the blink of an eye was considered really fast – well not anymore! As a site owner, delivering an awesome online experience means having a great performing website. Today, we will offer some tips and tricks to help you boost the performance of your WordPress website.
Tip #1 – Know Where You Stand
Before you start improving the performance of your website, you must know its current performance, right? Run a speed test and try to determine the factors that are adversely affecting your site’s performance. You can use tools like Google Pagespeed Insights, Pingdom, etc. for the same.
Tip #2 – Use A Content Delivery Network (CDN)
A CDN is a network of servers which are situated at strategic locations around the globe which store cached content. Therefore, when a user accesses your website, the server closest to him processes the request leading to a reduction in the response time and improvement in the overall performance of your website. You can use WordPress CDN solutions like Max CDN, etc.
Your web host can also play an important role. Providers offering WordPress Hosting in India usually integrate CDN with the plan adding to the performance of your website.
Tip #3 – Comment Management
When you publish a post or a page, you want people to like it, share it, and even share their comments. Websites that receive hundreds of comments on their posts, usually, face a problem of page lag. If this is you, then you might want to consider breaking the comment section into pages. This ensures that the page takes less time to load.
In order to do this, you can go to Settings-Discussions and select the number of comments per page as shown below.
Tip #4 – Remove Media, Themes, And Plugins That Are No Longer In Use
It’s logical, isn’t it – if you don’t use something, then there is no point accumulating the clutter. Cleaning up gives you more space. This is true for your website too.
Over time, WordPress users tend to accumulate many plugins and themes – some that they are currently using and some that are just lying in the database for months without being used. They can impact the performance of your WP site and present security vulnerabilities. Therefore, it is important that you uninstall all such plugins/themes.
Same is true for media files too. When you are creating a post, you might upload many images/videos hoping to use them on your site. Some of these files just lie there without being used in any post. Delete these files and clear some space for the better performance of your website.
Some Additional Tips
- Optimize CSS, JavaScript and HTML files
- Optimize your WP-database
- Upgrade to PHP-7
- Image optimization
- Enable Gzip compression through the .htaccess file
We hope these tips can help you boost the performance of your website. Do share your thoughts or comments below.