Human Hair Vs Synthetic Hair

Lace front wigs are almost the most popupar wig nowadays. When we talk to lace front wigs, we should no only focus on lace matearial, but also hair quality. Is human hair better? Or synthetic hair make more sense?
The difference between human hair and a synthetic hair is not far-fetched. Human hair contains natural fiber made from Keratin. Synthetic hairs, however, just as the name implies, are made from synthetic fibers.
Human hair wigs are manufactured out of natural human hair. They look and have the texture of human hair. They have to be restyled after washing, unlike a synthetic wig that retains its style even after washing.
Which of the hair types should you buy? Human and synthetic hairs have their pros and cons, which makes them preferable at different times. Ideally, you’d prefer to have both in hand as they may be preferable to each other at different times. The choice of a human or synthetic wig depends on your budget, time, and needs.
Human hair offers the best value for your money. Human hair offers the most natural look and feel. While human hair can be pretty expensive, human hair are very durable. Human hair wigs can last between 1-3 years with proper care.
Human Hair Wigs Can Be Classified According To Their Origin, Texture, And Color.
There are generally four different human hair wigs based on their head. These are; Chinese human hair wigs, Indian, Caucasian, and European human hair wigs. Most of the human hair used is Asian hair. Chinese hair is very straight due to its thicker denier.
However, it can be harder to style and resist curl. When it comes to cost-effectiveness, Indonesian hair is preferable. Indonesian hair is common and less costly. Indian hair has a thinner denier similar to European hair, but it has a bit more texture. European hair has the finest denier of all human hair types. It is also the most costly due to its limited supply.
Asides from the origin, It’s essential to take note of the techniques used in processing the hair. Chemicals strip away the original color to produce different shades and curl patterns. If these chemicals are too strong, they can affect the quality and integrity of the hair.
Based on texture, the types of human hair wigs are human hair bob wigs, Straight human hair wigs, 613 blonde human hair wigs, Natural hair wave human hair wigs, etc.
Based on Colour, human hair wigs can be classified into Human hair wigs for black women and human hair wigs for white women.
Human hair wigs for black women often have medium brown lace, making them suitable for black or brown women.
The More The Lace Resonates With The Scalp Skin, The More Natural It Looks.
Human hair wigs for white women are wigs that have transparent lace. Transparent lace human hair wigs are best for women with light white scalp skin.
Generally, Human hair wigs give you a more realistic outlook, giving you a better appearance.